Friday, March 13, 2015

The Journey Begins

Departure from the States was like clockwork. The flight from Knoxville to Philadelphia was smooth and on time. We had time to grab a bite to eat during our 3+ hour layover there. At 9:15 we loaded the packed plane to Tel Aviv. I have to say that I have had more restful nights. I believe that most of us got less than 2 hours of sleep on the 10 hour flight! On a happy note, we made excellent time and arrived almost 45 minutes early. Customs was a breeze and our merry group gathered up our luggage and headed out to meet our coach bus.

A look out the window as we reached Israel.

It was much greener than I expected.

The precious Smith family who invited me along on this grand adventure. Everyone from West Park has made me feel very welcome!

The group as we cleared customs and claimed our luggage.
 Once everyone got their luggage....and yes, it all arrived safely, we got on our lovely, air-conditioned bus and headed for the hotel. The Kfar Maccabiah is very nice with ample room for our group of 37 to visit in the lobby area.

My roommate for the next 10 days, Whitney Fair. God has blessed me with this super kind woman as a new sister in Christ. I'm sure we will all feel like family by the end of this amazing journey.

Our room.

A view from our window. It is so beautiful here. Lots of flowers blooming and everything is so green!

Kfar Maccabia Hotel as seen from a walk that Whitney and I had before dinner.

The gardens around our hotel. Whitney sure doesn't look like she has been traveling for about 20 hours!

As we were walking along in the garden, I spied one of my favorite fruits from my childhood in Florida. Kumquats!! I wanted to pick it and eat it, but I also didn't want to get into trouble on my first day in Israel. So we just headed back to the hotel for a delicious dinner. I was positively starving. I believe we forgot to eat lunch today.

The food was delicious! Roasted chicken, pumpkin soup, potatoes, salad, hummus, pickled radishes, Nile Perch to only name a few of the selections. It was an unbelievable buffet for dinner.  And DESSERT......


Tomorrow we depart the hotel at 8 for Caesarea, Megiddo, Mt. Carmel, Nazareth, Cana and Galilee. Goodnight from Tel Aviv!


  1. Thanks for letting us see glimpses of your world via this blog. Looking forward to tomorrow :-) Good night. love,tim

  2. We really appreciate you doing this blog so we can see pics of where you are and what your group is dong. We are praying for your team! Barb Eidemiller

  3. Thank you so much for your blog. My parents Jim and Judy McCormick are with you on the trip. This blog is giving us the opportunity to see what they are experiencing. Their granddaughters are really enjoying the pictures. Thank you!

  4. Glad you are there safely and excited about your adventure! I look forward to following it with Seth and Reed on your blog! Praying for you ~ Susan

  5. Angie, your posts and pictures are making me want to see Israel. Thank for taking the time to do such a great job on this blog. Have a wonderful time and know that we are praying for you and your group. Marcella

  6. Angie, thank you for this great blog. The pictures and your comments are making me want to see Israel. Have a wonderful time and know that we are praying for you and the group. Marcella

  7. Thank you so much for this wonderful blog! My husband's mother, Sondra Brantley, is on the trip and we're looking forward to seeing your daily adventures. Looks amazing! Have a wonderful time!
